OpenUtilities sisHYD

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Question: How do I work with projects from a network share?

Answer: We recommend placing sisHYD projects folder onto a network share for safety reasons at the moment the share is subject to data backup. To permanently add project folders for sisHYD the folder path will be added to the site configuration file \sis_data\site\sissite.cfg.

For example, in order to use projects on the network share n: from subfolder "sisHYD", please add the following configuration line to your sissite.cfg:

SISHYD_PROJECTS_DIRS > n:/company/department/planing/sishyd/

You may want to add as many folders as needed. The ">" character will append the specified path to the existing search path. The "<" character will prepend to the list of search path.

Question: How do I work with background maps stored on a network share?

Answer: By default sisHYD expects background map in the project subfolder CAD. This way you will not miss data residing outside your project folder when copying a project folder.

To change the standard search path for background maps to a specific folder, the configuration file \sis_data\site\sissite.cfg will be edited. Please add the following configuration line to the file adjusting the path to your needs.

SISHYD_PRJ_REF = n:/company/department/maps/

Question: What is OpenUtilities sisHYD ?

Answer: OpenUtilities sisHYD is a hydraulic calculation and analysis tool for engineers that operate and maintain district heating, gas and water networks.

Question: I have a dual-core workstation. Will OpenUtilities sisHYD 2023 take advantage of multi-core or multi-processor systems?

Answer: Yes, OpenUtilities sisHYD 2023 takes advantage of multi-core or multi-processor systems. OpenUtilities sisHYD 2023 performs graphics processing in a separate thread.

Question: Where can I review the OpenUtilities sisHYD 2023 End User Licensing Agreement?

Answer: For reference, a copy of the End User License Agreement named "EULA.pdf" is included in the folder of the product installation. By default, this location is " C:\Program Files\Bentley\OpenUtilities sisHYD 2023\OpenUtilitiesSisHYD\"

Question: Can I use ProjectWise along wih OpenUtilities sisHYD 2023?

Answer: Currently, sisHYD cannot operate side by side with ProjectWise.